The Confidence People
Twitter: @confidencepeopl
Tailor-made courses on personal impact, building confidence, media training, presentation skills, public speaking and the imposter syndrome.
We use practical exercises, including drama techniques, to help clients excel in communication skills. We can record people on camera with playback and analysis.
Short Plays for your Conference or Event
Would you like a brilliant icebreaker for your event? I’ll write you a short play, supply all the actors and provide something really special.
“A wonderful experience - we’ve been approached by so many delegates praising the production” Debi Brunt, The Royal College of Midwives.
Short plays (10-plus minutes long) - especially if they have a light comedic touch while addressing serious issues - are a great way to kickstart a debate or get people to look at things in a different light. They surprise and delight audiences who may be all Powerpointed-out.....
I've written:
ANYONE CAN DO ANYTHING for The Royal College of Midwives - about the woeful undervaluing of midwives' expertise.
"I really enjoyed your play" Dame Karlene Davis, as General Secretary of the RCM.
ICE AND A SLICE for Richmond Council - about the effect on children of parental drug and alcohol abuse in a wealthy middle-class suburb.
"Wonderful! A great idea!" Anita Bhangoo, Conference Organiser for Richmond Council.
I KNOW WHAT I LIKE for Janssen-Cilag Ltd - about resistance to change. "A huge thankyou - you guys pulled it off expertly" Val Govender, Neuro-Science Division.
Expert Witness
The Voice of Authority for Experts
As an expert who is serving the court and, ultimately, the truth, you need to be in control of the impact you are making.
Your task is to get your message across in a challenging environment without being either aggressive or over-accommodating. The court - in particular, the judge - needs to trust you and to find you fascinating, clear and committed.
I offer a practical session to provide experts - and indeed anyone preparing for the court - with techniques to create authoritative personal impact in order to be credible witnesses: clear, persuasive and confident.
We’ll look at…
managing nerves
grabbing and keeping your listeners’ interest
(and your own….)controlling your voice, avoiding pitfalls
such as speaking too fast
or falling into a dull monotoneediting and shaping your message
so that it is clear and impactful
Key learning points
slowing down and holding the floor
maintaining energy and interest
clarity - speaking with conviction
using metaphors and analogies
to help explain difficult conceptsprojecting and enlivening your voice
The overall aim of the session is to help you communicate your knowledge effectively, engagingly and with confidence.